Terri Sherman
Sunday School Teacher/Retired Elementary School Teacher
“I thoroughly enjoyed The Catacombs of Tarshish, and have become a fan of its genre, Christian Fantasy Thriller. This book is so well written that I felt transported right into the story. I could picture the sights, smell the aromas, hear the demonic spirits closing in, and feel what the travelers from Drugolin felt. I was able to sense their encounters with the Holy Spirit and with Yahwin Himself.
The Holy Scriptures that I know in my heart were brought back to my mind as I read. “God’s Word never returns void. It will accomplish what God has purposed. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. They overcame by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony.”
I loved the rich, hearty, language of times long past.
Equally, I loved how easily I could make the biblical connection of characters.